The RBA Foundation was established in 2015 to support RBA’s charitable, scientific and educational activities by improving the public’s ability to consider social, environmental, and economic responsibility within supply chains to make informed consumer decisions. The Foundation is recognized as a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and therefore may receive tax-deductible charitable contributions from individuals and corporations. These contributions enable RBA and the Foundation to leverage opportunities for public funding to develop and implement special programs, research projects, tools and other initiatives for public benefit, in the area of responsible mineral sourcing.
The Foundation supports the charitable, scientific, and educational purposes of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) a project of RBA.
The principal purposes for contributions made to the Foundation in support of RMI are:
- To maintain the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) Assessment Fund, which covers the initial assessments for new RMAP eligible facilities, financial assistance for participating facilities, and the publication of assessment results on the RMI's website.
- To support relevant upstream due diligence activities.
- To develop and publicly disseminate data, guidance, training, and tools for responsible sourcing.
Contribution Options
Members can contribute to the following assessments:
RMAP Assessments (3TG RMAP Assessments only)
RMAP+ (RMAP + ESG Due Diligence Assessments)
ESG Facility Level Assessments
Upstream Due Diligence Fund – provides $10,000 to facilities seeking support for on-the-ground due diligence assessments.
For contributions to RMAP assessments (3TG only) and the Upstream Due Diligence Fund, please contact Maggie Gabos. For RMAP+ and ESG Facility Assessments, reach out to Fabiana Di Lorenzo.
Donation Process
Donations to the Foundation can be made via check or wire transfer. Contributing companies will receive a letter from the Foundation thanking them for their donation and support of RMI. The acknowledgment letter will describe the approximate impact of their donation in terms of the number of initial assessments that will be paid for by the donation. Please note that the Foundation deducts 2% of the donation for operational costs. If you have any questions, please contact Maggie Gabos.
Funding Opportunities
RMAP Assessment Fund & Upstream Due Diligence

RMAP Assessment Fund
Assessment Fund for Participating Smelters and Refiners
- This fund needs member support on on-going basis to promote entry into the RMAP program
Financial Assistance for Re-Assessments
- To help address any financial barriers smaller smelters and refiners may face in considering undergoing RMAP re-assessment
Upstream Due Diligence Smelter Fund
The RMI has created a fund for smelters and refiners to offset the costs of mine-level assessments in conflict-affected and high-risk areas that are not already covered by an upstream assurance mechanism
- Minimum threshold met – fund is open for applications
- More support is needed to sustain smelter upstream due diligence
Click here for additional information.
RMI-Pact Partnership 
Full Title: RMI-Pact Partnership for supporting Alternative Livelihoods through a Vocational training program
Description: The RBA Foundation is currently supporting a vocational training program located in the cobalt mining communities in the DRC. Specifically, the program is operating in six communities in Kolwezi and provides vocational skills for at risk youth to provide an alternative to mining and break the cycle of poverty for recipients and their families. Through the RBA Foundation and the support of RBA members, the program has graduated 194 at-risk youth from the apprenticeship program since 2017, with 98% reporting they have no engaged in mining activities since graduation.
Timeline: Open until November 2020 (Seeking Phase 5 funding)
Click here to view Pact's fact sheet with additional information.
RMI-RCS Global Strategic Partnership 
Full Title: RMI-RCS Global Strategic Partnership to Scale “Better Mining” Cobalt ASM Monitoring and Continual Improvement Plans
Description: The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) has partnered with RCS Global Group (RCS) to expand the Better Mining Program to additional copper and cobalt ASM sites in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Better Mining is an ASM mine monitoring program that collects and analyses digital responsible sourcing data on ASM sites and translates this data into quantifiable improvements on and around those sites. To date, the Better Mining Program has been deployed at three cobalt and copper ASM sites since January 2019. At these sites, there has been a quantifiable reduction of risks and improvement of conditions. RMI and RCS aim to reach twelve additional sites over the next two years through expansion of the Program.
Timeline: Open through 2023
Click here to view the Better Mining Program fact sheet.
Customized Projects 
Description: RMI members can sponsor customized projects or support new RMI initiatives. For example, members can finance the development of animated trainings available to specific supply chain actors in various languages; or support the development of new RMI services, like the Minerals Grievance Platform. Indeed, several of RMI’s newest initiatives and services have been made available through member support. Funding varies by project, and RMI recommends that interested members reach out to RMI staff to discuss needs, opportunities and programmatic priorities.
Timeline: Open (contact RMI staff for more information about current pilot projects and funding needs)
RMI Members can find out more here.