RMI Assessment Firm and Assessor Approval Process
The RMI approves assessors to enable them to conduct Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) assessments. The assessor approval process is designed to verify that assessors have appropriate experience and expertise, and that there is no conflict of interest when undertaking RMAP assessments for smelters. The approval process follows the relevant requirements outlined in ISO 17011, the international standard for accrediting certification/assessment bodies. Please review Assessment Firm and Assessor Approval Process for detailed information on RMI requirements and RMI Service Provider Conflict of Interest Evaluation Framework.
To become an approved assessing body for RMAP, assessment firms must complete the RMAP Assessment Firm Approval Application, fill out the Approved Assessor List as well as the Assessor Approval Application for each assessor on the List, and return it to the RMI for consideration (please email us here). Each individual assessor candidacy, nominated by the approved assessment firm, is also to be reviewed and approved by the RMI before the assessors are able to conduct RMAP assessments.
RMAP Assessment Documents and Tools
Assessor Training
The assessor approval process is supported by specific on-line and in-person courses on RMAP’s assessment protocols and procedures, in addition to the pre-requisites for relevant assessor training/certifications and experience. Assessor on-line training courses can be found on the RMI eLearning Academy (free and open to all). A list of the required on-line courses is included below. Click here to request credentials for the eLearning Academy. Approved assessors are also required to undergo an in-person assessor training whenever available in their region.
Required Assessor Courses
- To be completed online before conducting the first assessment
- Overview of the RMI’s RMAP Standard
- RMI Overview of RMAP Standard Requirements
- Practical Implementation of the RMI’s RMAP Standard
- Introduction to Assessing Against the RMI's RMAP Standard
- Risk management for low-risk sources
- Risk management for high-risk sources
- Introduction to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance
- OECD Due Diligence Guidance Step 1
- Tools for Responsible Mineral Sourcing from High-Risk Areas
- Identifying Responsible Mineral Sourcing Risks
- Identifying Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs)
- RMI Know Your Counterparty (KYC)
- KYC and AML
- RMI Assessor Training 2019: Revised Procedure and Assessment Tools
- Implementing the Revised RMAP Standards
- RMI Virtual Assessor Training (March 2020)
- RMI Remote Assessor Training (November 2020)
- RMI Assessor Training (June 2021)
- RMI Assessor Townhall (November 2021)
- RMI Downstream Assessment Program (DAP) Training 2021
- RMI Assessor Training: Addressing Key Elements Highlighted in the OECD Alignment Assessment for EU Recognition Purposes March 2022
- RMI Upstream Due Diligence
- Upstream Assurance Training – Better Mining Program
- All Minerals Due Diligence and ESG Standards Training
- To be completed online before conducting mineral-specific assessment
- Responsible Gold Sourcing
- Introduction to RMI's RMAP Gold Standard
- Joint RMI - LBMA - RJC Assessor Training: Due Diligence of Gold Refiners
- Responsible Cobalt Sourcing
- Cobalt Standard - Assessor Training
- Cobalt Webinar Series
- RMI Joint Due Diligence Standard: Module 1
- RMI Joint Due Diligence Standard: Module 2
- RMI Joint Due Diligence Standard: Module 3
- RMI Joint Due Diligence Standard: Module 4
- RMI Joint Due Diligence Standard: Module 5
- RMI Responsible Mica Sourcing
- Smelting & Refining 101: Tantalum
- Smelting & Refining 101: Tin
- Smelting & Refining 101: Tungsten
- Smelting & Refining 101: Gold
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Freshwater Management and Conservation
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Human Rights
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Forced Labor
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Waste Management
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Pollution
- Risk Readiness Assessment Criteria - Biodiversity and Protected Areas
Fully Approved Assessment Firms
RMAP and Downstream Assessment Program
Arche Advisors
Based in the U.S.
Scope: RMAP and DAP - International
Approved since 2016
Based in the UK
Scope: RMAP and DAP - International
Approved since 2016
SCS Global Services
Based in the U.S.
Scope: RMAP and DAP -International
Approved since 2016
Based in the U.S.
Scope: RMAP and DAP - International
Approved since 2010
Based in Switzerland and Hong Kong
Scope: RMAP and DAP - China
Approved since 2011
Provisionally Approved Assessment Firms
BDO (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in the UK
Assessing RMAP since 2021
BSI (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in the US
Assessing RMAP since 2021
ELEVATE (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in Hong Kong
Assessing RMAP since 2021
ERM CVS (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in the US
Assessing RMAP since 2021
EuroCert (through December 31, 2025)
https://www.eurocert.asia AND https://www.eurocert.gr
Scope: International, based in the EU
Assessing RMAP since 2021
Greenment (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in China
Assessing RMAP since 2021
TDI (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in the UK
Assessing RMAP since 2020
TUV Rheinland (through December 31, 2025)
Scope: International, based in Germany
Assessing RMAP since 2022
Note: Assessment firms conducting assessments in China require additional approval.
The RMI regularly reviews information submitted by assessment firms to assess their continued acceptability to remain on the list of approved assessors. All approved assessors must undergo re-approval to remain on the list of approved firms every three years. To apply for re-approval, please use the same form as for the initial application.
Any concerns about the RMAP can be raised directly to RMI staff and through the Grievances and Complaints Mechanism page (anonymous feedback option available).